Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Liberal views on the Elderly

The liberal view of society is that we should help others who need help as a result of capitalism because capitalism causes stress and breakdowns in society and society is then responsible to provide assistance.  Liberals take on this same view when speaking in terms of the financial situation of our elderly population, it to is a social issue according the the liberals.  Although the situation has improved over the years, most of the "baby boomers" are still employed but will not be in the near future.  This transition could cause more debt and financial crisis to Canadians.

Liberals say if we support the elderly we save our future.  Liberals believe that society should support the older population, not just for their own well being, but for the well being of society.  There are many elderly people to be taken care of, the population of elderly people is growing, (due to the baby boom)  therefore, so is the need for society to care for them.  Sometimes family members assist in taking care of the elderly, and in turn, this can cause a decrease in income for the family or family member and inability to work.  Liberals believe that if we assist the elderly and their caregivers financially, the result will be less of a financial crisis for the future society and less debt for our children.

Liberals believe in creating jobs and they believe in equal opportunity for all Canadian's.  By concidering the issue of the elderly now will allow preparation for the available jobs when the elderly population retires that will have to be filled.
Elderly people in Canada currently recieve income suppliments.  A journal article on Canadian Policies states that to assist the elderly "an income-tested Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), funded from general revenue, was introduced to support the elderly poor" Mahon (2008).  One of the liberals plans for action is to increase the GIS (guaranteed income supplement) for seniors. Seniors rely on this suppliment and a Canadian Pension and any other pensions or savings they may have to survive financially.
Liberal views are the views most taken by social workers becuase they involve the welfare of society.  That being said, If there is nothing done to attend to the growing numbers of seniors who require care we may suffer from economic breakdowns in society.  As the liberals say, help the elderly to help our future.


Mahon, Rianne. (2008) Social Policy & Administration, 4(42), 342-361. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9515.2008.00608.x


  1. Great post. The post definatly gives reasons and outlines as to why most policies come from a liberal perspective.

  2. Good post. Yes, its great that they are giving seniors higher income supplements but they fail to address the fact that a lot of seniors require aid in their older years, especially with how old life expectancy is set at, and it will be very hard to fill their positions in the workforce is the majority of people have to stay home and take care of their ageing parents. I think it would benefit us all if the liberals would adopt a more proactive view of social problems before it gets to that point, instead of their reactive one.

  3. It appears to me as if the Liberal perspective would be the best at trying to cater to the needs of the aging baby boomer population. Possible reason to believe we could maybe have a Liberal government in the near future? Hopefully for these older adults. Interesting post!

    - Yodit
